Saturday, June 5, 2010

Stunning Changes

When my family went vegan there were certain changes that I expected, cooking at home, weight loss (yay!!), and cravings for foods we loved but were now "forbidden". But there have been many changes that I never expected and have come as such a great surprise.

We have gotten away from making food the entertainment. Going out on date night...where are we going to eat? Hanging out with friends tonight....where are we going to eat? Now instead we actually do things that are, well...entertaining. When some friends came in town we went to the Horse Track Races, now when I want to get together with family/friends we get our bikes and go for a ride. I am finding all these things that are fun and healthy for me and my life!

Another extraordinary surprise came today at an unexpected time. My daughter and I went to a graduation party and there was food everywhere, none that I would/should eat. Audrey, of course, wants a snack. I ask her what she wants, there are chips, dips, sweets, and what does she pick out of all of this.....carrots!!!! What?!?! Have I accidentally taught her something invaluable? My McDonald's loving, cookie eating monster picked something healthy all on her own. This is the best reward I could have asked for.

Oh and as for the craving of forbidden foods, not an issue. I have found SO many alternatives. I can truly say that there is nothing that I am missing!

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