Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Taking the Time

Tonight I had a wonderful experience. I went to a mindful eating cooking class and it opened my eyes to so many things.

How often do you eat and not even bother to stop and really look at the food, or take the time to truly taste what you are eating? We order something we "love" and then eat it so quickly we can not even enjoy it. Take time to slow down, smell it, look at it, enjoy all the flavors as you taste it.

We have lost sight of the purpose of food. It is to nourish our bodies and minds. Think about what you are putting into your body. Think of all the things that your body does for you without you even asking it to. Do you ever thank it for all it does? We do not treat our bodies kindly. When thinking of food we have become obsessed with calories, carbs, good for you, bad for you. Think about what is the energy of the food you are eating? Are you giving your body what it need to do it's job or are you trying to be healthy by giving it the lowest calories possible, empty calories with no nutritional value.

Love your body, thank your body. Fuel it with all the wonderful things that it wants.

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